
waymo 自动驾驶方案


not end to end, but mid 2 mid


ChauffeurNet: Learning to Drive by Imitating the Best and Synthesizing the Worst

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模仿学习 端到端的planning

Learning to Drive: Beyond Pure Imitation


  • 模仿学习: imitation learning
  • 数据增广: data augmentation
  • 消融实验: ablation experiments and real world


data: 30 million real-world expert driving examples, corresponding to about 60 days of continual driving)


  • not raw sensor input but mid-level representation
    1. top-down representation of the environment
    1. intended route
  • as 2D boxes / road / traffic lifght states
  • mid-level: easily tested and validated in closed-loop simulations


改进: 通过数据增广,暴露出碰撞发生的bad event,再通过损失函数调教模型避免碰撞的发生 - loss augmentation: augment the imitation loss with losses that discourage bad behavior and encourage progress, - data augmentation: synthesize pertubations in the driving trajectory(comes from the mid-level input-output representation)

实验: - evaluate loss augmentation and data augmentation in simulation - drive a car in the real world

  • a resurgence for an end to end learning to drive

ch3 model architecture

3.1 top-down input representation

  • a top-down coordinate system:
    • $p_t=(x_t, y_t)$: location
    • $\theta_t$: heading
    • $s_t$: speed
    • $W \times H$: image size
    • $(u_0, v_0)$: ego location at image in pixel
    • $\phi$: image resolution with meters/pixel
    • $R_{forward}=(H-v_0)\phi$: fixed forward range
  • input images:
    • color: roadmap, lanes, stop signs, cross-walks, curbs etc
    • grey: traffic lights,红黄绿的灰度不同
    • single channel: speed limit
    • route: target route
    • agent box, current full bounding box
    • dynamic objects
    • past agent poses
  • time elapsed information $\delta t$
    • past $T_{scene}$: traffic lights and dynamic objects
    • a potentially longer interval of $T_{pose}$: past agent poses

data augmentation: crop of the image from different heading

input representation: 1. 方便闭环验证 2. 方便使用模拟器中的数据(包括现实中无法获得的碰撞数据) 3. 2D,使用卷积

model formular: $p_0$ is known, and N iterations are performed and outputs a future trajectory $\left{\mathbf{p}{\delta t}, \mathbf{p}\right}$. Then this trajectory is fed to a control optimizer that computes detailed driving control(steering and braking commands).}, \ldots, \mathbf{p}_{N \delta t

相比与最底层的控制信号的输出(方向盘和油门),该方法输出的只是轨迹,再针对不同的车型参照该条轨迹优化出适合于当前车型的控制信号。Not the same as other programs which from sensors to controls.

3.2 Model Design

  • FeatureNet: convolutional feature network
  • AgentRNN: iteratively predicts successive points
    • trajectory: $t:p_x=(x_t, y_t), \theta_t, s_t$
    • spatial heatmap for bounding box at each timestep


  • Road Mask Network: drivable areas of the field of view
  • PerceptionRNN: iteratively predicts a spatial heatmap for any other moving agent


detail model

$M_k$: trajectory memory as the heatmap image, use arg-max operation to obtain the coarse pose prediction $p_k$ from this heatmap, than employ2 a shallow convolutional meta-prediction network with fully-connected layer that predicts a sub-pixel refinement of the pose $\delta p_k$ and the heading $\theta_k$ and speed $s_k$ - explicitly crafted memory model ??

3.2 System Architecture

imitating the expert

design loss

4.1 imitation losses

  • probability distribution of the predicted pose: softmax
  • heatmap of agent box: per-pixel sigmoid activation
  • a regressed box heading output $\theta_k$

$L_1 $ loss for pose refinement and speed:

4.2 past motion dropout


beyond pure imitation

5.1 synthesizing perturbation adding realistic perturnations

  • $\delta lat\in [-0.5, 0.5], \delta\theta \in [-\pi/3, \pi/3]$
  • fit a smooth trajectory to the perturbed point
  • filter by thresholding on maximum curvature
  • allow collide, as negative example
  • 1/10

5.2 beyond imitation loss

  • collision loss
    • measure overlap of predicted agent box
    • add perturbation for later train
  • on load loss
    • measure overlap of the predicted agent
  • geometry loss
  • auxiliary loss
    • co-training perceptionrnn loss:
    • co-train road mask cross-entropy co-training: induce the feature network to learn better features that are suited to both tasks(另一个维度的投影)

5.2 imitation dropout

randomly dropping out the imitation losses



  1. 80m x 80m
  2. $R_{forward} = 64m$
  3. data augmentation $\Delta = \pm 25^0$


closed loop evaluation

  • model ablation tests
    • nudging around a parked car
    • Recovering from a trajectory perturbation
    • Slowing down for a slow car
  • input ablation test
  • logged data simulated driving
  • real world driving

open loop evaluation

failure modes

sampling speed profiles


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Behavior prediction


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