
task constraint motion planning


Motion Planning With Constraints Using Configuration Space Approximations

read: 2018-09-27
publish: 2012
  • rejection sampling
  • jacobian projection
  • optimization-based approaches

  • starts with compution an approximation of the constraint manifold offline

  • planning on the constraint manifold directly instead of planning in the full configuration space

** approximating constraint manifolds**

  1. generating an approximation graph

line 1-4, generate a feasible configuration;line 5-10, compute valid expansion edges

Algorithm 1 Generate Constraint Manifold Approximation
Input: c: task constraint; ns : # configs; ne : # edges/config
Output: Approximation Graph
1: Approx = EmptyApproximation()
2: while ConfigCount(Approx) < ns do
3:  if Sample(c, x) then
4:      AddSample(Approx, x)
5: for i = 0 to ConfigCount(Approx)-1 do
6:  j =0
7:  while OutEdges(Approx, i) < ne and j < ConfigCount(Approx) do
8:      if i 6= j and ValidEdge(Approx, i, j) then
9:          AddEdge(Approx, i, j)
10:         j = j +1
11: return Approx
  1. planning directly on the constraint manifold
  2. smapling on approximation graph
    • sampling an interger value $i\in [0,n_s-1]$, which represents the configuration at index $i$ in the approximation graph.
    • sampling configurations uniformly in a ball


read: 2018-07-1
publish: 2018


  1. potential field methods
  2. heuristic search techniques
  3. sampling bsaed algorithms

  4. geometry constraints

    • cartesian constraints: cartesian curve tracking
  5. soft constraints: penalty function

motion planning and constraints

configuration space: represent the robot with a point in a higher-dimensional space. It is a metric space(度量空间,有序对的集合,点点之间定义了距离函数). The dimensionality n of Q corresponds to the number of degrees of freedom of the robot.

geometry constraints: not velocity or acceleration constraints.

  • constraints function: $F;Q\rightarrow \mathcal{R}^k$ such that $F(q)=0$,continuous and differentiable
  • m=n-k, the effective number of degrees of freedom
  • constraint function defines an m-dimensional implicit constrained configuration space eithin the ambient configuration space:

end-effector constraints

methodology overview

  • relaxation
    • changing $F(q)=0$ to $||F(q)||\leq \epsilon$, introducing an allowable tolerance to the constraint
  • projection
    • takes a configuration and projects it into the set of satisfying configurations, retracting the point to a minimum of the constraint function.
    • A common implementation of projection is a Newton procedure with Jacobian inverse gradient descent.
  • tangent space
    • defines a locally linear approximation of the constraint manifold to a Euclidean space, which extends until the curvature ofthe manifold bends sufficiently away.
    • the tangent vector pointing from the initial configuration to the goal is projected into the tangent space and then generated the next configuration
    • curve tracking constraints for redundant manipulators
    • works well when constraints are closer linear
  • atlas
    • require that the constraint function defines a manifold
    • atlasrrt: handling singularities
    • tb-rrt
  • reparameterization:
    • compute a new reparameterized space
    • the constrained planning problem can be reduced to the unconstrained instance
  • offline sampling
    • sampling before planning take place

two core primitive operations:

  • sampling constraint-satisfying configurations
  • generating constraint-satisfying continuous motion

  • projection through iteration:

Global manipulation planning in robot joint space with task constraints

read: 2018-07-10
publish: 2007/2010
key: tangent space sampling(TS)
     first order retraction(FR)
     randomized gradient descent(RGD)
  1. representation of constraints
    • $q_i$: joint space coordinates
    • $x_i$: task space coordinates
    • $T^A_B$: rigid body transformation
    • $\mathcal{F}^0$: world frame
    • $\mathcal{F}^t$: task frame
    • $\mathbb{C}$: motion constraint vector
  2. specifying constraints
    • fixed frames: universal constraint on the robot end-effector
      • $\mathcal{F}^t$ is any frame in which the axes align with the directions of constrained motion
      • $\mathbb{C}_t$ indicates which axes permit valid displacements
    • simple frame parameters: constraint respect to the configuration of the robot
    • kinematic closure constraints
      • compare the multiple end effector transformations
    • constraint on nonlinear paths and surfaces
  3. constrained sampling

    • distance: transformation for $\mathbb{F}^e$ with respect to the task frame $\mathbb{F}^t$ which will be regarded as the error: the invalid error is determined by motion constraint vector: where C is a diagonal-selection matrix respect to $\mathbb{C}$
    • jacobian

      • task frame jacobian: $J^t=J^0$
      • map velocity in the workspace to task space: $J(q_s)=E(q_s)J^t(q_s)$
      • right pseudoinverse: $J^\dagger=J^T(JJ^T)^{-1}$ or LU decomposition

      $\Delta x$ 是任务空间的误差,$J^{\dagger}\Delta x$ 把任务空间的误差映射到关节空间。同理$J\Delta q$把关节空间误差映射到任务空间。

    • tangent space sampling

      • these displacements have no instantaneous component in the direction of task error:
      • the project sample: $q^{'}s=q_s$ is still unlikely to within error tolerance, then RGD is applied to further reduce the task-space error.}+\Delta q^{'}$. Due to the nonlinearty of the constraint manifold, $q^{'
    • first-order retraction

      • find the task space error and compute the least-norm joint space displacement that compensates for error. The common projection method.

      end-effector constraints 中,限制函数显示作用在任务空间中,所以通过正运动学对关节空间中变量求得任务空间中误差,再通过雅可比伪逆球的关节空间中误差。 - linear jacobian transformation $E_{rpy}(q)$

Manipulation Planning on Constraint Manifolds

 read: 2018-07-24
 publish: 2009
 key: CBIRRT

two strategies for dealing with constraints: rejection and projectin. rejection: check if a given configuration meets the constraint, which is effective when there is a high probability of randomly sampling configurations that satisfy this constraint. Projection: more robust to stringent constraints.

$T^0_c$: constraint frame, reference to the base frame. Then constraint are defined in terms of the permissible differences between the end-effector frame $T^0_e$ and $T^0_c$. The motion constraint matrix: First compute transformation from end-effector to constraint frame: Then $T^c_e$ will be transferd to 6-d vector: Get the displacement error$\Delta X$:

Task Space Regions:A framework for pose-constrained manipulation planning

 read: 2019-02-27
 publish: 2011
 key: CBIRRT2 task-space-region
  • constraint representation: task space region/ task space region chain
  • TSR definition: the tsr frame and twist bounds
  • TSR distance: