komo;motion planning

K-Order Markov Optimization

YeeKal โ€ข โ€ข
"#komo;motion planning"


KOMO implementation


Inverse kinematics:

Solution with linearization at

Operational space control:

It's all about features:

consider the IK problem: - $q_0$ is the current state - We want to compute $q_1$, the next state - Let $\Phi_1=\sqrt{C}\left(\phi(q)-y^*\right)$, and $\Phi_2=\sqrt{W}\left(q-q_0\right)$ - And let $\Phi=\left(\Phi_1 ; \Phi_2 ; \ldots\right)$, stacking all features in a single vector

Then IK is a sum-of-squares problem

$\longrightarrow$ to design motion: - think of all kinds of features you want to penalize, - zero calibrate them (subtract the target), - scale them (multiply with some pC), - stack them into a big feature vector, - call an efficient SOS optimization method

Hard constraints: beyond just penalizing

  • some features $\phi_k, k \in S$, are SOS
  • some features $\phi_k, k \in I$, impose inequalities
  • some features $\phi_k, k \in E$, impose equalities

$\longrightarrow$ to design motion - define features as above - but also specify the type of each feature: if sos, eq, or ineq

k-order Features:

  • In IK, define a feature $\Phi_2=\sqrt{W}(q_1-q_0)$ to penalize motion/velocity $\implies$ a feature over 2 configurations($q_0, q_1$)
  • In Operational Space Control, we have to define a feature that depends on the acceleration $(q_1+q_{-1}-2q_0)/\tau^2 \implies$ a feature over 3 configurations $(q_{-1}, q_0, q_1)$
  • In general we can have k-order features, which depend on k โˆ’ 1 consecutive configurations and typically compute finite difference velocities, accelerations, jerks, etc.

All the above generalizes to not only solve for the next configuration $q_1$, but also a whole sequence of future configurations $q_1, . ., q_T$. - Each feature computes something for (at most $k-1$ ) consecutive configurations $\pi_k$ - Each feature $\phi_k$ penalizes some aspect of the path locally in time

Predefined features in KOMO

  • Symbols for pre-defined features
position, positionDiff, positionRel,
quaternion, quaternionDiff, quaternionRel,
pose, poseDiff, poseRel, [avoid these]
vectorX, vectorXDiff, vectorXRel,
vectorY, vectorYDiff, vectorYRel,
vectorZ, vectorZDiff, vectorZRel,
scalarProductXX, scalarProductXY, scalarProductXZ, scalarProductYX, scalarProductYY,
scalarProductYZ, scalarProductZZ,
gazeAt, angularVel,
accumulatedCollisions, jointLimits, distance, oppose,
aboveBox, insideBox,
physics, contactConstraints, energy,
transAccelerations, transVelocities,
  • Full objective specification
addObjective(times, featureSymbol, frameNames, objectiveType, scale, target, order)
(There are many more features defined in the code, but not interfaced with a symbol.)

obstacle collision

shared_ptr<ScalarFunction> rai::Shape::functional(bool worldCoordinates){
  rai::Transformation pose = 0;
  if(worldCoordinates) pose = frame.ensure_X();
  //create mesh for basic shapes
  switch(_type) {
    case rai::ST_none: HALT("shapes should have a type - somehow wrong initialization..."); break;
    case rai::ST_box:
      return make_shared<DistanceFunction_ssBox>(pose, size(0), size(1), size(2), 0.);
    case rai::ST_sphere:
      return make_shared<DistanceFunction_Sphere>(pose, radius());
    case rai::ST_cylinder:
      return make_shared<DistanceFunction_Cylinder>(pose, size(-2), size(-1));
    case rai::ST_capsule:
      return make_shared<DistanceFunction_Capsule>(pose, size(-2), size(-1));
    case rai::ST_ssBox: {
      return make_shared<DistanceFunction_ssBox>(pose, size(0), size(1), size(2), size(3));
      return shared_ptr<ScalarFunction>();


  • Optimization-based: KOMO(K-Order Markov Optimization) (using RAI