icp-basic concepts
ICP: Iterative Closest Point
- icp
- ndt
- Super4PCS
- eICP
- ransac
- halcon
- 知乎-匹配定位算法
- shape-based-matching
- reconstruct 2D or 3D surface
- localize robots
- register bone models
problem summary
- given: two corresponding point sets
wanted: translation t and rotation R that minimizes the sum of the squared error: where $x_i$ and $p_i$ are coresponding points. So this problem actually contains two sub-problem:
find the corresponding pairs of points(association);
- find the transformation.
Iterative Closest Point
iterate to find alignment
Method1: iterative to find the closet point in P for point in X. This does not work so well.
Find the transformation
SVD & optimization
If the correvt correspondences are known, the correct relative rotation/translation can be calculated in closed form by SVD.
Let: $W=\sum^{N_p}_{i=1}x_i'p_i'^T$. Denote the SVD of W by:
where $U,V\in R^{3\times3}$, are unitary, and $\sigma_1\geq\sigma_2\geq\sigma_3$. Then the optimal solution:
ICP variants
1. points subsets
selecting source points:
- use all points
- uniform sub-sampling
- random sampling
- feature based sampling
- try to find “important” points
- decrease the number of correspondences
- higher efficiency and higher accuracy
- requires preprocessing
- normal-sapce sampling
- Ensure that samples have normals distributed as
uniformly as possible
- Normal-space sampling better for mostly smooth areas with sparse features
2. weighting the correspondence
3. data association - has greatest effect on convergence and speed - Closest point - Normal shooting - Closest compatible point - Projection - Using kd-trees or oc-trees
4. rejecting
- TriICP: trimmed ICP
- in temp_ws. This work uses the icp algorithm in pcl to math the monkey face.
- libpcl in temp_ws. THis work is downloaded from github. This is a simple library for ICP implementation without any third library.